Learn online French, at your own pace with the best teachers
Tutors available
Optimise your learning time
Any day at any time, find the most convenient time to learn.
Learn in a wide range of time slots and choose from numerous teachers.

Book your class without obligation
You can book a class right up to the last minute, with the teacher's validation.
You can cancel the class up to 6 hours before it starts. No permanence fees. No penalties.
Enter the course in one click
Without leaving the platform, a single click opens a video call.
If the class does not take place for reasons beyond your control, we will refund your money.

Don't miss a single class
We will let you know about your classes 7 hours before they start, so you won't miss a single opportunity to learn.
Satisfaction guaranteed:
100% secure: if the class does not take place, you pay nothing.
Secure payment via PayPal.
Top up whenever you want and get your money back at any time.
Easy and free navigation:
Register for free and browse the web without paying anything.
Find the classes you need to complete your training.
Quick assistance is always at your fingertips:
The support team will answer any questions you may have as soon as possible.
Contact them by WhatsApp or email.
Unbeatable prices:
Find the classes you need at the best price.
Each teacher sets their hourly rate.
No surprises. No administration fees.
Personalised training:
The teacher will be dedicated exclusively to you, in a private lesson, adapted to your needs.
Before booking your lesson, you can contact your teacher by message.